Find out your Luxford house!
Are you brave, ambitious, loyal or wise? Take part in the Sorting Ceremony to see where the Sorting Hat puts you.

Reliable, Mediators, Mentors, Great Listeners
Noralis - a house like no other!
Noralis is home to those who delight in the people around them - steady, reliable and supportive, they make for great listeners and offer balance, stability and support to others. These are the mediators in life, though must ensure that they don't lose themselves in the balance.
The fantastic communication skills of Noralisans make them perfect as ambassadors, or as buddies to new Enadians who need a helping hand and a kind word.

Cloverflies are the thinkers, more introspective souls.
More frequently found with their heads in the clouds (or a good book) than their hands on the ground.
Generally more introverted than the other houses, they're the ones with grand ideas and big dreams, but may often be shyer and quieter about sharing them.
Consider getting involved with the RP to show your written prowess, or become one of Enadia's cherished content creators!
Thinkers, Dreamers, Directors, Leaders

The noble house of Bravewick is home to the born leaders in life. Etroverted, practical and confident Enadians who excel on many levels.
Bravewiccans rely not on the honeyed words and pure charisma found in Alderdor, but inspire love and loyalty through their courage, strength of character and proactive attitudes, though may often act impulsively and lack tact. Just wait - those in Bravewick may have a bright future ahead in the Enadian military!
Extroverted, Passionate, Courageous, Born Leaders

Alderdor, the house of the go-getters!
Whilst they may not prize the academic brilliance of the Cloverflies, their members reside in the most ambitious and driven of all the houses.
Quick-witted and charismatic, Alderdorians are driven and single-minded, though need to ensure that they keep in check any potential manipulative tendencies on their quests for success. Home to the silver-tongued and suave, those in Alderdor are well-suited to political roles. Hey - why not run for regional government?!
Charismatic, Ambitious, Observers, Successful