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We, the people of Enadia, regardless of our place of birth, residence, language, gender, race, nationality, religion, or citizenship in existing Earth states, use our free choice, will, and conviction to stand united as a transethnic, transnational, transreligious, ethical, fair, and peaceful region looking into the infinite universe, based on the equality and dignity of every human being.


The Kingdom of Enadia, hereby referred to as the United Kingdom of Enadia, seeks to ensure each nation within the region, hereby referred to as a member-state, can establish sovereign and individual jurisdiction, in concordance with the laws set forth by Parliament herein. The United Kingdom of Enadia is a region that stands for protecting its member-states, prosperity, tranquility, and prosecuting those who breach the rights of fellow member-states within and outside the kingdom's borders. The United Kingdom of Enadia retains the right to impose sanctions on regions that violate mutually agreed upon diplomatic terms and display aggression towards member-states or the region itself, and it hereby establishes stability upon an equal political landscape for all to participate in.

Member-states within the borders of the Enadian Kingdom retain the right to macro- and micromanage their own nation but are considered accountable for breaches of Enadian law.

C1. Declaration of Unity in Enadia

1. Enadia is a free and unified NationStates region.
2. Enadia's objectives are: 
• a. To ensure permanent peace within and outside the United Kingdom’s sovereign borders; 
• b. To provide resources and a safe habitat for foreign aliens whose regions have undergone major micro- and macro-changes. 
• c. To ensure equal opportunities for all Enadians within the union's borders and within the reach of Enadian law (external embassies, consulates, military bases, etc.). 
• d. To maintain transparent procedures that are open to the public and to provide constant feedback for every department’s work. 
3. Anyone can become a citizen of Enadia, conditional on assenting to this declaration and abiding by the Constitution and Enadian legislation.
4. All citizens of Enadia are equal, regardless of their region of origin, residence, citizenship, race, nationality, gender, religion, language, or financial standing, or any other attribute.
4. Enadia shall not interfere with another community or groups internal dynamics, and shall not accept foreign involvement without the Enadian government’s consent.
5. Enadia participates in NationStates' global events based on its membership in the respective international organisations.
6. Enadia respects, complies with, and protects the rights of citizens with dual citizenship and protects Enadian citizens in the exceptional nature of their secondary citizenship(s).
7. Enadia is a nation of free spirit, science, and internationalism. Every Enadian can freely practice any religion in Enadia but cannot impose their religious beliefs upon others.
8. Enadia maintains the right to evict members with a record of malicious activities, even if they have been conducted outside Enadia's borders.

C2. General Provisions

Article 1. Name of the Nation

The terms “Enadian Union”, “Kingdom of Enadia”, “United Kingdom of Enadia”, and “Enadia” are synonymous.

Article 2. Status

Enadia is an independent, sovereign, free, unitary, and social union of nations that is transethnic and secular; is based on morality, fairness, peace, and the equal dignity of every human being; looks to the future and the infinite universe; and is a kingdom.

Article 3. Mission

To ensure and provide user-friendly experiences while maintaining a transparent political agenda to the public.

Article 4. Supreme Values of Enadia

1. Enadia's Supreme Values shall be the common and permanent foundations for the self-identification of Enadian citizens; they form the commonality of Enadian society and lie at the heart of the objectives and activities of Enadia’s governmental bodies, citizens, and associations.
2. The Constitution and laws of Enadia, as well as its governmental bodies, shall implement and protect Enadia’s Supreme Values.
3. Enadia’s Supreme Values shall be equally important and equally implemented within the governmental administration. 
4. Enadia’s Supreme Values shall apply to relations with both people and the region-states of NationStates.
5. It is prohibited to undermine or diminish the Supreme Values of Enadia. Enadia and its citizens shall implement and protect their Supreme Values from internal and external infringement.

Article 5. Territory

1. Enadian servers, channels, sites, hubs, community portals, consulates, and embassies are considered Enadian property and shall be protected by Enadian law as territories of the Enadian Kingdom. This also includes their safeguarding and allows the eviction of participants with a criminal record.
2. Enadia will expand its territory by creating Enadian localities and by obtaining new localities in foreign regions via diplomatic and or military means, including offensive and defensive strategies.

C3. Enadian Citizenship

Article 6. Enadian Citizens

1. Anyone who agrees to Enadia’s Declaration of Unity and Constitution and consciously submits their NationStates Data in their Citizenship Application may become an Enadian citizen.
2. Users have the right to request any of their data be deleted if found on Enadian channels. A user who violates Enadia's Constitution, their citizenship, or the rules of the browser game "NationStates" may have their data deleted. In some extreme cases of real life illegal conduct, Enadia reserves the right to disclose relevant data to the NationStates Administration team and/or appropriate real world authorities .
3. Enadian citizenship may be terminated by the Enadian citizen waiving citizenship. Enadia can also temporarily suspend Enadian citizenship.
4. Grounds for the revocation or suspension of Enadian citizenship, as well as restrictions on the acceptance of new citizens, shall be set by Enadia's laws.

Article 7. Location of Citizens

1. Enadian citizens possess the right of free movement throughout Enadian localities and the right to choose their location in the NationStates regions, in line with respective legal or organisational capabilities.
2. An Enadian citizen's permanent residence in a foreign region shall not deprive or diminish their rights or freedoms, suspend or terminate their space citizenship, or annul their obligations toward Enadia.

Article 8. Rights and Freedoms of Enadia's Citizens

1. All Enadian citizens shall be equal.
2. Key Rights and Freedoms of Enadian Citizens: 
• a. freedom of the individual; 
• b. freedom of speech; 
• c. the right to participate in Enadian regional affairs, both directly and via representatives; 
• d. the right to elect and be elected/appointed to Enadia’s governmental bodies and structures and participate in referenda; 
• e. the right to introduce legislative proposals; 
• f. the right to access to information about the activities of and monitor governmental bodies; 
• g. the right to personal safety and the safety of home in Enadian localities; 
• i. the right to citizen self-governance; 
• j. the right to national self-governance; 
• k. the right to organize citizen groups on the basis of Enadia’s laws, including political parties.
3. If any natural or juridical person, including an Enadian governmental body, infringes any right of an Enadian, the latter shall have the right to seek legal protection and/or remedy in the Judicial Department of Enadia.
4. Enadian citizens may only be extradited to other states on the basis of Enadia’s laws (e.g., The Rejected Realms).
5. The enumeration of specific citizen rights and freedoms in this article shall not be interpreted as negating or limiting other citizenship rights or freedoms stipulated by other articles of Enadia’s Constitution, laws, and generally recognised human rights and freedoms.
6. Citizen rights and freedoms may only be restricted by Enadia’s laws to the extent authorised by Enadia’s Constitution and that is required to protect Enadia’s regional interests; ensure Enadia’s safety and security and the performance of its mission and Supreme Values; and protect the rights and legal interests of other Enadian citizens.
7. Citizens hold the right to petition for redress of past or current grievances without fear of punishment or reprisal.
8. Citizens maintain the right to due process, a fair and expedient trial in the face of charges, and the right to appeal the verdict.

Article 9. Obligations of Citizens

1. Enadian citizens have inalienable and indispensable obligations, which arise from the moment they become citizens of Enadia.
2. Enadian citizens shall respect and not violate the rights, freedoms, or legal interests of other people.
3. All persons within Enadian territory shall comply with Enadia’s Constitution, laws, and regulations effective on Enadian territory and respect Enadia’s Supreme Values.
4. Enadian citizens shall comply with Enadia’s Constitution and laws, and respect and implement its Supreme Values regardless of their location, unless this results in the violation of the law of the state where they are located.
5. Enadian citizens possess the right and obligation to participate in elections and referenda as well as to maintain a decent level of activity and participation. Systematic derogation of this duty may lead to legal consequences, in accordance with Enadia’s laws.
7. Enadian citizens shall preserve nature and the environment in Enadia’s localities and channels.
8. Protecting Enadia’s regional interests and security, and performing its mission and Supreme Values are the obligations of every Enadian citizen.
9. Enadian citizens shall contribute to creating Enadian resources to ensure the common good, in ways that are commensurate with their ability to do so, in line with the Supreme Values of Enadia.
10. Failure to perform one's citizenship obligations or to do so properly may lead to permanent revocation of Enadian citizenship, suspension of an Enadian passport, fines, or restrictions on and/or permanent revocation of access to Enadia’s electronic resources, in accordance with Enadian law. The creation of prisons is prohibited in Enadia.

Article 10. Guarantees of Citizen Rights and Freedoms

1. The government shall guarantee the rights and freedoms of Enadian citizens by exercising its powers and using available resources.
2. The government is responsible for implementing and protecting citizens’ rights and freedoms.
3. The rights and freedoms of Enadian citizens are guaranteed when using Enadia’s governmental property, which serves as the material foundation for citizens exercising their powers and carrying out their obligations.
4. Enadian citizens’ rights and freedoms are guaranteed through Enadia's corresponding obligations, as established in its Constitution and laws.
5. The government shall guarantee that Enadia’s aims, plans, and development forecasts, as well as the threats and risks to its development, are publicly disclosed.
6. The government shall establish its public opinion and take it into account when making administrative decisions, in accordance with Enadia’s laws.
7. The government shall guarantee that any Enadian legal act may be repealed upon request of Enadian citizens by means of the appropriate procedure set out by Enadian law.

Article 11. Enadian Residents

1) All residents shall be equal.
2) Any nation residing within the sovereign borders of Enadia or any of it's localities is considered a Member-State with a residential status.
3) Foreign Aliens may be subjects of a political asylum and will be protected under Enadian law.
4) Resident rights and freedoms may only be restricted by Enadia’s laws to the extent authorised by Enadia’s Constitution and that is required to protect Enadia’s regional interests; ensure Enadia’s safety and security and the performance of its mission and Supreme Values; and protect the rights and legal interests of other Enadian citizens.
5. Key Rights and Freedoms of Enadian Residents: 
• a. freedom of the individual; 
• b. freedom of speech; 
• c. the right to participate in Enadian regional affairs, both directly and via representatives; 
• d. the right to introduce legislative proposals via representation; 
• f. the right to access to information about the activities of and monitor governmental bodies; 
• g. the right to personal safety and the safety of home in Enadian localities; 
• i. the right to self-governance; 
• j. the right to national self-governance; 
• k. the right to organize resident groups on the basis of Enadia’s laws, not including political parties.
6. If any natural or juridical person, including an Enadian governmental body, infringes any right of an Enadian resident, the latter shall have the right to seek legal protection and/or remedy in the Judicial Department of Enadia.
7. Enadian residents may only be extradited to other states on the basis of Enadia’s laws (e.g., The Rejected Realms).

Article 12. Property

1. Enadia shall ensure and guarantee the rights and freedoms of citizens, the security, welfare, property, and development of Enadia, and shall serve the achievement of the common good.
2. Enadia shall recognise exclusive (inalienable) governmental property used for national needs, governmental property that constitutes the wealth of Enadian citizens used for the common good, private property, personal property, and mixed forms of property.
3. Property in Enadia includes material and non-material objects, such as information and intellectual property.
4. Restrictions on property rights, as well as the procedure for circulation and disposal of property, are set by Enadia's laws.
5. Enadia shall guarantee and protect all types of property equally.

C4. Government by the People and for the people

Article 13. Government by the People

1. Enadian citizens shall be the source of Enadia’s powers.
2. The collective will of Enadian citizens shall be implemented through their participation in elections to Enadia’s governmental bodies, monitoring these bodies, referenda, and interaction with their representatives in elected governmental bodies.
3. Elections to Enadia’s governmental bodies and citizen participation in developing, making, implementing, and monitoring the performance of administrative decisions shall be conducted using appropriate means, although primarily via electronic voting.
4. Prejudice during elections and referenda based on region of origin, residence, citizenship, race, nationality, gender, religion, language, wealth, and any other attribute is forbidden.
5. Enadia’s governmental bodies and officials shall not intervene in elections, put pressure on citizens, or falsify elections.
6. Government by the People in Enadia shall be guaranteed by:
a. establishing a procedure for elections, requirements applicable to candidates, and election time frames;
b. ensuring that Enadia’s governmental body officials can be replaced and setting maximum term limits for government positions;
c. court protection of Enadian citizens’ rights to run for office and be elected;
d. public control via electronic resources of the public activities of Enadia’s governmental bodies, their regular reporting to citizens, provision of open information about different areas of government responsibilities in the format set by Enadia’s laws;
e. establishing procedures that allow citizens to introduce legislative proposals and initiate referenda;
f. separation of powers;
g. the work of the governmental bodies in accordance with the Supreme Values and the Constitution of Enadia.
7. The supreme form of the expression of public will in Enadia is a referendum. Referenda shall be used to resolve the most important national matters of Enadia. Referenda shall be held in accordance with Enadia’s laws.

Article 14. Fairness

1. Enadia shall recognise that every person has an inalienable right to fair treatment and facilitate the enjoyment of this right.
2. Fairness in Enadia shall be ensured through respect for the legal interests of all lawful interest groups and striving to balance conflicting interests.
4. To ensure fairness, the Government shall encourage:
a. the spread of moral ideals;
b. equal rights and equality of human dignity;
c. governmental support for groups in need, charity, philanthropy, and mutual aid;
5. The Government shall encourage the work of citizens, citizen associations, including investors and philanthropists, who engage in socially important activities.

Article 15. Labour

1. The Government and the society shall encourage labour and seek to increase its value, significance, and prestige.
2. Employment rights shall be regulated by Enadia’s laws in accordance with generally recognised principles and norms of international law.

Article 16. Security of Citizens

1. Enadia shall ensure the security of citizens, and strengthen its ability and the citizens’ ability to overcome threats and minimise risks in the present and future.
2. Citizen security shall be ensured in the Enadian territory.
3. Enadian citizens may demand that Enadia, in its territory, safeguard them from any slavery or servitude, physical or emotional violence and compulsion, any unlawful dependence and restrictions, and any unlawful obligations or subordination.
4. Enadia shall prohibit any propaganda of immoral and antisocial behaviour, and any production and circulation of information on any storage media, which contains mass information, that is harmful to morality and/or aims to undermine or diminish its Supreme Values.
5. Any persecution for expression of views and convictions shall be prohibited, provided that such views do not contain propaganda of immorality; seek to undermine or diminish Supreme Values; threaten regional security; incite violence and strife; demean the honour and dignity of individuals; disclose restricted information; and otherwise specified by requirements for ensuring information security.
6. Enadia shall guarantee the protection of citizens confidentiality.

Article 17. Governance

1. Enadia shall be governed by its citizens through referenda.
2. Governance of Enadia shall be exercised by its separation into the legislative (Enadian Congress), executive (Enadian Commission), and judiciary (Court of Justice) branches and the Enadian Crown.
3. The Head of Nation shall be the head of the Government, and not of the other branches.
4. The authority of governance bodies shall be set by the Constitution and laws of Enadia.
5. Enadia, through its governance bodies and officials, shall be responsible for developing all areas of its life and activities, in accordance with its mission and Supreme Values, by exercising the authority specified by the Constitution and laws of Enadia, and using its resources.

Article 18. Government Structure

1) The Enadian Government Structure shall be divided into four axes of power.


The Enadian Commission
The Enadian Commission (EC) is the executive branch of Enadia, responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the Enadian treaties and managing the day-to-day business in Enadia.

  • President of the Commission (Elected)

  • Commissioner of Homeland Affairs (Appointed/Elected)

  • Commissioner of Foreign Affairs (Appointed/Elected)


The Enadian Congress
The Enadian Congress (ECON) is the legislative branch of Enadia, responsible for proposing legislation, voting on legislation and keeping the Enadian Commission in check. The Enadian Parliament can dissolve the Commission as a whole following a vote of no-confidence but only the President can request the resignation of an individual Commissioner. However, individual Commissioners, by request of the Commission, can be compelled to retire on account of a breach of obligation(s) and if so ruled by the Enadian Court of Justice.

  • World Assembly Delegate (Serves also as the Speaker of the Enadian Parliament)

  • Congressmen/women (Representatives of the Enadian Member-States)


The Enadian Court of Justice
The Enadian Court of Justice (ECJ) is the judicial branch of Enadia, it oversees the uniform application and interpretation of Enadian law, in cooperation with the national judiciary of the member states. It also resolves legal disputes between national governments and Enadian institutions, and may take action against Enadian institutions on behalf of individuals, companies or organisations whose rights have been infringed.

  • Judge advocate (Appointed + Elected via the Enadian Commission and Enadian Parliament)


The Crown of Enadia
The Crown of Enadia (CE)
is an integral part of the Institution of Parliament. The Crown overseas the political procedural transparency of Enadia, invites the newly elected leaders to become Presidents and World Assembly Delegates. The Crown opens Parliament through the State Opening (marking the beginning of the Parliamentary year). The Crown only dissolves Parliament before a general election. The Crown assumes control of Enadia upon the opening of the Regional General Elections.

  • His/Her Majesty (Elected)

  • Prince/Princess (Elected)



a) The official Enadian Capital shall be the one of the elected President's country of origin.
b) All official Enadian inquiries shall bear the stamp and insignia of the Capital City.
c) Upon cases of an unexpected release of the office, the capital shall become the one of the newly elected President's country of origin.
Article 19. The Duties of the Enadian Commission

A. The President

Herein lies powers and responsibilities bestowed upon the elected President of the Enadian Commission.

1) The office of the President is responsible for the welfare and prosperity of all Enadian Member-States
2) The office of the President is responsible with the supervision of the commission and may dismiss Commissioners at their discretion.
3) Upon vacancy of the Ministry due to dismissal, the Office of the President must submit at minimum two candidates with the approval of the Enadian Crown and elected by the Enadian Congress.
4) The President may create departments, groups or appoint task forces that will operate upon regional interests.
5) Official inquiries of the President may be initiated by the citizens of Enadia or the Enadian Congress.

B. The Commissioner of Homeland Affairs

Herein lies powers and responsibilities bestowed upon the elected Commissioner of Homeland Affairs.

1) The duties of the Commissioner include handling Internal Affairs such as maintaining and making sure of the peak functionality of Enadian localities, channels and tools.
2) The Commissioner of Homeland Affairs is responsible for the distribution of Enadian Citizenship and VISA according to the Internal Policies of the Department of Homeland Security.
3) The Commissioner shall host biweekly cultural events, maintain the Enadian Newspaper, create weekly regional polls and analyze the data received. Additionally the Commissioner is responsible of the message management of all Enadian localities, channels and servers.
4) The Commissioner may employee or dismiss officers of the law upon violation of Enadia's Supreme Values, abuse of power or infringement of their administrational role.
5) The Commission of Homeland Affairs is responsible to uphold the values, ethics, et al that Enadia stands for both abroad and within Enadian Territory.
6) The Commissioner is responsible ensuring that all policies pertaining the Commission of Homeland Affairs are maintained, up to date and enforced.
7) The creation or removal of policies pertaining to Homeland Affairs is at the discretion of the Commission of Homeland Affairs with unanimous approval of the Enadian Commission.

C. The Commissioner of Foreign Affairs

Herein lies powers and responsibilities bestowed upon the elected Commissioner of Foreign Affairs.

1) The Commission of Foreign Affairs must ensure the functionality of Foreign Embassies located within Enadian Territory.
2) The Commission of Foreign Affairs shall make sure that foreign representatives have been masked accordingly and maintain a minimal activity within their provided consulate or embassy space.
3) The Commission of Foreign Affairs is tasked to maintain and open embassies and consulates, arrange state visits and host diplomatic talks with organizations and foreign institutions of Enadian interest.
4) The Commission of Foreign affairs is tasked to maintain International Relations by training and appointing Enadian Ambassadors and Diplomats of-seas.
5) The Commission of Foreign Affairs may close or open Enadian Localities such as consulates or embassies with the approval of the Enadian Commission or Congress.
6) The Commissioner is responsible ensuring that all policies pertaining the Commission of Foreign Affairs are maintained, up to date and enforced.
7) The creation or removal of policies pertaining to Foreign Affairs is at the discretion of the Commission of Foreign Affairs with unanimous approval of the Enadian Commission.


Article 20. The Duties of the Enadian Congress

Herein lies powers and responsibilities of the Enadian Congress.

1) The Enadian Congress shall be composed by Citizen Member States that went through the procedure of application for a seat in the Enadian Congress.
2) It is the responsibility of the Enadian Congress to submit, draft, propose and vote upon pieces of legislation.
3) The Enadian Congress with its head the World Assembly Delegate, who shall operate as the Speaker of Congress, are tasked to supervise the Enadian Commission and determine whether the Commission is following in compliance the Enadian law.
4) The Seat of the World Assembly Delegate shall be an elected position.
5) The World Assembly Delegate is Enadia's highest diplomat, tasked to draft, propose and vote on pieces of Legislation to the World Assembly in NationStates.
6) The Enadian Congress can raise an inquiry towards the Enadian Commission and request an immediate response by the Commission's President.
7) In cases of failure to come to agreement with the representatives of the Enadian Commission. The Congress may call for a Vote-of-no-Confidence. A task that would require the Crowns and the Speakers approval and that it would dissolve the Commission, triggering general Enadian elections.
8) The World Assembly Delegate is responsible to maintain a respectful, calm, composed and professional attitude and behavior abroad and within Enadian territory, following as well the fundamental NationStates regulations and policies.
9) The World Assembly Delegate is required to make themselves familiar with failed and passed legislation in the World Assembly and the World Assembly Archives and call for a region wide vote upon pieces of legislation proposed in the World Assembly.


Article 21. The Duties of the Enadian Court of Justice

Herein lies powers and responsibilities of the Enadian Court of Justice and the Judge Advocate.

1) It is the Judge Advocate's responsibility to handle matters of Judiciar character. 
2) It is the Judge Advocate's duty to uphold and maintain the laws that govern Enadia. To uphold the Enadian Constitution, to maintain the Seat of the Judge Advocate in an unbiased, professional and truthful manner. 
3) The power of the Judge Advocate include reviewing proposed laws, vetoing proposed laws, abstaining proposed laws, overviewing proposed constitutional amendments, vetoing proposed constitutional amendments.
6) The Advocate Judge is responsible ensuring that all policies pertaining the Court of Justice are maintained, up to date and enforced.
7) The creation or removal of policies pertaining to Judicial matters is at the discretion of the Court of Justice with unanimous approval of the Enadian Commission.
8) Violations of the Enadian law must be immediately brought up to the attention of the Court of Justice.
9) In the event of evidence of any crime is presented to the attention of the Judge Advocate, a trial date and time must be set within seventy two (72) hours. Failure to attend said trial without proper and reasonable notice shall result in the admission of guilt.


Article 22. The Crown of Enadia

Herein lies powers and responsibilities of the Crown of Enadia.

1) The title King or Queen of Enadia, shall be provided to the most extinguished elected individual or member state of Enadia.
2) The title King or Queen of Enadia should be a ceremonial title with minimal legal responsibilities.
3) The Crown of Enadia shall oversee the political procedural transparency of Enadia.
4) The Crown of Enadia, shall invite the newly elected leaders to become Presidents and World Assembly Delegates by swearing them in. 
5) The Crown is responsible to open the Enadian Congress through the State Opening (marking the beginning of the Parliamentary year). 
6) The Crown may only dissolve the Enadian Congress before a general election. 
7) The Crown shall assume control of Enadia upon the opening of the Regional General Elections and it will last approximately no more than seventy two (72) hours.
8) Their Majesty shall serve a term of 12 months and will be elected every First (1st) of January.
9) The Crown of Enadia shall maintain the roleplay culture of Enadia, through participation, leadership and creativity, maintaining positivity, a calm, collective and professional composure at all times amongst Member States.
10) The Crown of Enadia shall host monthly hearings with Enadian Citizens to discuss the primary issues and discuss solutions in the interest of Enadia and its Member States.

Article 23. Enadian Elections

1) Official elections for the Commission of Enadia, the Congress of Enadia and the Court of Justice will be held on January the first and June the 30th, and will last for no longer than seventy two hours and no less than thirty six hours.
2) The official elections for the Crown of Enadia will be held on January the first, and will last for no longer than seventy two hours and no less than thirty six hours.
3) In the event of dismissal or resignation of office, an immediate election following the same procedure as a regular elections, shall be held in which case the winner shall finish the remainder of the term of the predecessor.
4) Requirements for running for an elected office must include:

  • a. must not be convicted of any severe crimes

  • b. must have a valid and approved citizenship

  • c. must not have any violation of the Enadian Law upon their record.

5) Upon becoming elected, the Commission of Enadia, the Judge Advocate and the Speaker of Congress shall be sworn into office by HM's office.
6) The HM office will deliver a speech into congress and the new Parliamentary year shall commence.

C5. Adoption and Amendment of the Constitution

Article 24. Adoption and Amendment of the Constitution

1) Enadia’s Constitution shall be adopted if, in the period of the vote, more than half of the Enadian citizens who took part in the vote, voted in favour.
2) Enadia’s Constitution may be amended by means of an electronic voting by Enadian citizens or a referendum.
3) Proposals on amending the Constitution may be made by the Enadian Commission, the Enadian Parliament, or the Enadian Crown approved by the Enadian Court of Justice.
4) Enadia’s Constitution shall be adopted if, in the period of the vote, more than half of the Enadian citizens who took part in the vote, voted in favour and, for the adoption of the first Constitution.

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