All of us in the EU have been questioning ourselves as to how we can interlink all of our projects with one another, aiding ourselves and our partners?
Partially the reason to that was because we got bored by opening Embassies that we were little in need or in use of! Apart from that, a huge let down in Interregional Diplomacy is "how unpragmatic" negotiations can be at times.
For that reason, we founded the GLOBAL CITIZEN project which elevated our diplomacy and interregional presence a lot!
So what is the Global Citizen?
The Global Citizen was founded by Latrovia that has been an active diplomat and foreign affairs consultant for a plethora of regions since 2012. The aim of this project is to develop world leaders by offering them universal domestic and foreign opportunities. You can picture GC as a huge Civil Service that has created a wide network of regions cooperating together, in fields of governance, diplomacy, culture, military etc.
The GC can actually be whatever you want it to be, as the only limit to it is your imagination! The project itself used to run is small sectors of a few regions and later on was introduced in this years DEFCON 2018, sparking the interest of several regions.
How does it work?
Well, it's quite simple in fact. Each member region must have its own GC HQ in their forums, dispatches etc and a single GC Coordinator to present interior and exterior opportunities to the Citizens of their region. These opportunities can be presented in two columns, one that will line up the[b] Interior opportunities that a region has and one lining up all the Foreign Opportunities that a citizen might find elsewhere.
Imagine a world where regions work together, by providing a helping hand to one another! For example, let's say that Enadia is in need to complete a project as complex as Luxford University. We could easily introduce Job Opportunities in Luxford for the citizens of our partners and after their arrival, we could have a whole new Institution up and running. They get the experience to introduce a similar Academic project back to their region and it will be certificated by the Enadian Union! This goes both ways as we are interested to give experience to our citizens as well by running several EU or individual projects elsewhere.
- DEFCON 2018
Projects like these, usually go up fro two, to fours months. Citizens should be equipped with a GC VISA and upon the expiration of their VISA their service in a foreign regions ends and they get back home. The good thing about GC is that they won't be in need of sending main nations elsewhere, and they would be able to transfer their newly earned knowledge and experience back to their region. We will be able to finish our projects sooner and your citizens will have won all the necessary experience and knowledge on what ways they can help your region too. It's a win-win kind of deal.
- DEFCON 2018
How can somebody participate in this?
The best way to participate in this, in case you're an interested individual is by Contacting EU's Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In case you're a Foreign Diplomat wishing for your region to participate in the project or if you have more questions, we would advise you to contact our services in our email or in our Discord Channel.