Anthetal, United Kingdom of Latrovia.
Known as the heart of the EU's politics. This is the capital city of Latrovia and the capital city of the entire Union.
Here politicians meet, discuss, debate, draft and vote upcoming legislation. But also this is were President Rorschach and his cabinet staff, Mr. Nantuket the Commissioner of Homeland Affairs and Mr. Green the Commissioner of Foreign Affairs, initiated the EU's resurrection in the stage of diplomacy.
For over than a couple of weeks now, the cabinet of the Enadian Union has been in contact with the Assembly of Regions. An international organizations consisting 15 Member Regions. The Assembly is an inter regional organization keen on politics that support a multiparty system whose members maintain a close interaction between every member region.
Enadia received a 100% vote of confidence in joining this organization from the House of Delegates [AOR]. The Enadian government after being able to fulfill all the required legal AOR criteria made a huge PR step in the world of Diplomacy.