Enadia, Tuesday, November 17, 2020 — In an announcement on November 3 in the Candidacies channel, Prime Minister Ontario announced that the region will hold parliamentary elections on November 16.
Now, thirteen candidates appear on the ballot for Enadians, and elections for the legislative branch are well underway for the growing region. What makes this election different from others this year is the diverse selection of candidates. Enadia’s parliament has in recent elections cycles maintained a nearly one-party majority. This cycle, however, includes five independent candidates.
With thirteen seats open and thirteen candidates, the parliament is bound to see a mixture of political ideologies and ideas represented in its weekly recorded selections. Keep watching this election cycle as Enadian candidates engage in innovative campaign strategies, brainstorm new political ideas, and shift from previous norms. Already, three candidates have created their own Google Site campaign pages.
Endorsements between candidates, another relatively unseen practice in the Reformist era, are at an all-time high, as independent candidates find their footing in an established political system. The electoral commission will announce results soon, and Enadia will see a vastly shifted political landscape.
We encourage NationStates members to follow these elections, as they represent not only the future of Enadia but also the age-old conflict between establishment and grassroots movements.
The Enadian Morning Post is a non-government-run newsletter and networking organization in the region of Enadia. If you would like more information on Enadian elections or politics, contact the Editor-in-Chief of The Enadian Morning Post, The United Australian States.