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Mother's Day Thinkpiece

Article written by @Ehbsmark for the /Newsroom:

It is just about a hundred years or so ago that the titular holiday was created, in honor of Motherhood figures, whether adoptive, of birth or simply by made of a bond stronger than any other bond in the world: one of Woman and Child. In the world of today, it is easy to forget all that goes into the life of a mother, our consciousness often taken away into the busy train of our daily lives, but it is upmost crucial for us to stop and ponder, and give our thanks to the champions of love, and the face of everything good with mankind. It’s on days like Mother’s day that I sit and ponder on the true meaning of Motherhood. For sure, many can agree on what it means: love and nurture, but I believe that it goes on much deeper than that. I’ve always thought there was much more to it and much more to be thankful for on this very day. Efforts and feelings that often go unknown of us children, but that truly reflects on what it truly means to be a great mother. I would like to apologize if some of this thinkpiece gets a bit too personal, but I believe that some things are simply meant to be said in order to shine line on all that deserves our thoughts, our thanks, and our promises to grow as better people. Allow me to delve into bits of history, thoughts and ideas that honor my mother, as I am sure it shall honor yours as well. Of course, I invite you to dive into thought along with this piece, and reflect along about how much your mother has done for you, as mine has done for me. It’s on a very early winter morning in the late Nineties that my mother has given onto me the greatest gift of all: the gift of life. According to the many times she has told me about this moment (to my curious requests as a young child) that she had worked a full 24 hours in order to bring me into this world. More pain and tears, and energy spent than a person like me could ever imagine. And yet, at the end of this struggle that seemed almost eternal, and even almost claimed her, she held me ever so tightly with all the love in the world, thankful for this moment. And to think that it would only be the beginning of all the efforts she’d promised herself to put into her child. How truly remarkable it is for someone to dedicate so much of oneself to something they find more important than life itself. Even through the mud and the bad times, which we were often unaware of, they’d go through lengths and back to give us the world. To shield us from the pains and evils, and prepare us for the life laid ahead of us. I’m sure you’ve heard just as much as I the stories of mothers deprivating themselves of food and water just so their young ones could profit from it all and thrive. How they’d walk so their children could run. How they’d give them the sun itself if it meant a slightly brighter day. I know I’ve heard much of it. But never have I been more surprised to hear it from my own mother, whom I thought never needed much of anything at all. It’s only once we’d reach adulthood, that you and I could ever truly know the sacrifice that went into making us what we are today, at their expense. The thought of such selflessness, without so much as a heartbeat of hesitation, makes it hard for me not to well up. And of course, let us not forget the endless patience they’ve had with us. Taking the time to teach us to be vulnerable and human, to teach us how to deal with the worse contained within us, to deal with pain and loss, the patience to let us live anger and despair, and still through it all pull us back from the depths to better tomorrows. Such patience is only the slightest insight to what they know and what they’ve seen in their own experience. And yet, there is so much we’ve yet to know about all the life they’ve spent, dedicated to help us live our own, best life. With love, wisdom and courage to give, mothers have soldiered on and made us the greatest person they could, and every bit of good in us, every bit of honor, and empathy, every bit of love tucked into our hearts, we owe it to them, who soldier on still, keeping watch for their little ones (and even the not so little). Heavens only know how much of a blessing they truly are, but what we do know for sure is that should anything go wrong, they’ll be there. And could they ever do it all over again, they would. And should they ever leave us, they’ll still be by our side, present through the best things that we have to offer in this world. Residents of Enadia and the World, let us gather to thank our mothers endlessly for all the work, the sweat, the blood and tears, that they’ve committed into making you who you are today. Let us lend a hand for them should they ever be in need, let us mourn those who have come and gone, let us celebrate those that have yet to be. And should you ever become a Mother yourself? Let us thank you. Happy Mothers Day!



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